Welcome to “My Latest…”
I’m your friend Wen Stephenson, and I’m a veteran journalist, essayist, author, and activist based in eastern Massachusetts. I wrote a book called What We’re Fighting for Now Is Each Other: Dispatches From the Front Lines of Climate Justice (Beacon, 2015), and my next one is titled Learning to Live in the Dark: Essays in a Time of Catastrophe, forthcoming in 2025 from Haymarket Books. I’ve been a contributing writer for The Nation since 2013, and I’m a fairly regular contributor to The Baffler. Long ago, I was an editor at The Atlantic, PBS Frontline, and the Sunday Boston Globe, where I edited the Ideas section; and I produced NPR’s On Point for a little while. Even longer ago, I was a Ph.D. student in English and American literature at the University of Chicago, and before that an undergrad at Harvard. At the very dawn of time, I was just an evangelical kid in southern California, where I was born and raised, with working-class roots in rural Texas.
To be honest, I don’t have all that much to say! Or rather, I’m very selective about the subjects I’ll commit to writing about, so I’m not particularly prolific. But when I do have something to say, I try to say it with care, and in such a way that you might possibly remember it.
So this thing here, what I’m calling “My Latest…”, is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: not a newsletter, but an occasional update to let you know about my latest piece of writing or to share what sort of trouble I’ve gotten into.
You’ll find an archive of my writing at my website, wenstephenson.com.